
Welcome to Glad Grad! I hope you will enjoy reading my posts to this page. I will try to keep the topics interesting and discussion is always welcome.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Why Glad Grad?

I thought I would take this opportunity to explain why I am a glad grad.  I graduated from UCO in 1994 with a Bachelor's in Education.  I was on the 15 year plan since I graduated from high school in 1979. 
I spent a lot of time going to class
in this building (Old North) before
it was condemned!
After graduation, I continued to raise my children and work.  When my oldest daughter graduated from UCO with her Bachelor's degree and started talking about getting her Master's degree, it got me thinking about my own goals.  I decided that I should go back to school and so in November 2008 I enrolled for the 2009 Spring semester.  I have spent two years now going to school, including two summers, and now my hard work is about to pay off!  I have had to sacrifice a lot to get this accomplished.  I have given up time with my family and friends, as well as passed on many social events and church activities.  I am very fortunate that I have an excellent support system in my family and friends.  They have all pushed me when I wanted to give up and were understanding when I couldn't do things with them.  I truly don't know what I would do without them.  So, here I am in my final semester.  By the end of March I will have completed all of my coursework and then it's time to just sit back and wait for that glorious graduation day in May.  Soon I will don a cap and gown once more, take that walk across campus to Hamilton Field House, 
and proudly walk across the stage to
take my place among the group of UCO
graduates who are all proud to call ourselves GLAD GRADS!!!   If you would like more information on how you to can begin your journey to join the ranks of the glad grads, you can go to the UCO home page at  http://www.uco.edu/index.asp .

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