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Thursday, January 27, 2011

Is Bigger Always Better?

In December, Midwest City patrons voted down a $191 million bond issue that would have closed several elementary schools in the Midwest City-Del City school district.  The proposal missed being passed by a mere .32%.  Mid-Del Officials want the proposal to come to a vote again so they can have the opportunity to really let the voters know exactly how the money will be used.  The proposal would have consolidated some schools and built new bigger ones.  Officials say the bond would have saved the district money.  The Mid-Del school district is facing an almost $10 million budget shortfall this year.  School officials say close to 90 percent of the budget pays for teachers and staff.  If they can’t find a solution to the shortfall, it could mean teacher jobs.
I have mixed emotions about this.  I am all in favor of my grandchildren having nice, new schools to go attend that have all of the latest bells and whistles.  However, I am concerned that consolidating elementary schools will mean longer commutes for children, longer bus lines, extreme traffic congestion in the area surrounding the school.  I have a hard enough time now driving past the school by my house in the afternoon.  Traffic is always backed up from parents trying to turn into the parking lot.  Imagine how much traffic there would be if the school was two or three times the size!
I certainly do not want to see teacher’s lose their jobs because of funding shortfalls.  It seems cuts could be made in other areas.  I realize that in government there is always talk of different colors of money or different pots of money.  But can’t we borrow from Peter to pay Paul?   I certainly don’t claim to have an answer, but it just seems like there must be one somewhere.  By the way, how much does the Mid-Del School Superintendent make a year?  It is my understanding that person earns more than the Oklahoma State Superintendent.  Maybe the administration needs to look a little closer to home to start making some of the funding cuts.  Just a thought.

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