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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

In Loving Memory

Today I am reflecting on the memories of people who have come and gone throughout my life that have helped shape me into the person I am now.  There are a lot of people who I would like to thank and so this is in memory of…
In memory of my grandmother, Daisy, who died when I was only two years old.  I’m thankful that she was a wonderful Christian woman who helped mold my mother into such a fabulous Christian mentor.
In memory of my grandfather, Freeman.  He was a very Godly man who rightly divided the Word of God from the pulpit.  He was a great influence on my life and also helped mold my mother into the Christian woman she is today.
In memory of my grandmother, Lela, who always showed me love.  She was a Godly woman and helped influence my father in his Christian faith.
In memory of my grandfather, John Alfred.  He always let me tag along with him when he fed his quail, moved eggs into the incubator, or whatever else he was doing.
In memory of my father, who made sure that I was raised in a home where the Bible was taught and who took me to church every week.  He always showed me love and compassion.  He did his best to make me laugh when I was sick and would rather cry.  He worked three jobs when I was very young so my mother could stay at home and be the kind of wife and mother she needed to be.  He taught me right from wrong and was swift to discipline when it was needed, but always out of love.  He gave me many wonderful memories to cherish and carry with me for the rest of my life.
In memory of my third grade teacher, Mrs. Dennis, who made me stick with it and learn to write in cursive when I wanted to just give up and vow to print for the rest of my life.
In memory of all of my Sunday School teachers who taught me stories from God’s Word week and week, year and year.  Especially Mrs. Mayes!
In memory of my sixth grade teacher, Mrs. Williams, who showed me that she cared about me as a person.
In memory of Dorothy, who always opened her home not only to me but to any and all of the kids from our church who wanted to hang out over there.  Thanks, Dorothy, for all of the great meals that you cooked for us at Falls Creek!!
There is no possible way that I could ever acknowledge all of the people who have gone home to be with Christ who have made a difference in my life, but these are a few of the people to whom I owe a debt of gratitude that I can never repay.

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