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Monday, February 7, 2011

Employee Safety First?

When the Oklahoma City area was hit with a blizzard last week, my place of employment closed for two days, as did most businesses in the metro.  On Thursday, we were expected to report back for duty.  It seems only logical to me that if a business expects its employees to report for duty that the management of that business would do all they could to ensure their employees would be safe.  This was not the case!  Management had a whole day after the snow stopped falling to bring out the proper equipment to clear the parking lot.  Instead, they chose to do nothing.  I am not talking about a small business operation here.  I’m talking about one of the largest employers in the area.  Employees had to trudge across a parking lot covered with snow well over our feet to get to the building.  Not to mention all the trouble people had just trying to park!  Cars were getting stuck right and left and people were pushing and pulling each other out.  It was a huge mess!!!  Now we have another snow storm staring us in the face in a couple of days.  Do you think our management might have learned any lessons from the last storm and take better care of employees this go round???  We shall see. 

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