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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

What Now???

Since I started working on my Master’s Degree two years ago, I have had many people ask me how I plan on using my degree.  What am I going to do with my life?  I always wish that I had some grand response for them, but the truth of the matter is that I don’t plan on changing my life at all.  I am quite sure that I will continue working where I work now until I am ready for retirement.  Everyone always assumes that I started down this path to better my career in some way.  In fact, I did it simply for the self-satisfaction and feeling of fulfillment that completing a higher education degree gives a person.  I don’t have any grandiose visions of doing or becoming something great.  I have the same plans and goals for my life that I did prior to starting down this path.   Haven’t you ever wanted to do something just to see how it would feel to accomplish it, to overcome the obstacles to achieve something greater?  Well, that’s just what I did.  I decided that having a Master’s Degree would be a good achievement so I set out to do it.   I used to feel bad when people would ask me what I plan to do after I graduate and I had to tell them “same thing I’m doing now”.  But it doesn’t bother me any longer.  I’ve come to the realization that achieving something just for the sake of achieving it is as good a reason as any.  So, to those of you out there who have been sitting on the sidelines wanting to do something bigger but couldn’t find a good enough reason for doing it, you now have your reason; just because you want to!  The biggest decision I have to make concerning what to do with my diploma is how to frame it!!! 

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